How much time do you have for expansion planning and strategy? We’re guessing not much. With an OBM or Online Business Manager, you’ll have time to get that done. Because that’s one of our superpowers… structuring businesses so that they … [Read more...]
How CRMs Improve Lead Follow-Up for Small Businesses
Not all leads are created equal. Some prospects will see your website, will like what they see, and will buy right away. Others won’t. Those others will need a little more convincing. Maybe a lot more. Do you have time to nurture them all … [Read more...]
5 Ways Automation Can Grow Your Small Business
Automation. What does that word mean to you? It’s a term thrown around a lot these days. And it might sound like it’s about using robots, artificial intelligence (AI), or expensive software. But, in reality, automation can be as simple as … [Read more...]
What to Expect When Hiring a Marketing Consultant for Your Small Business
In the do-it-yourself world of small business, entrepreneurs will wait a long while before taking a big step – hiring a marketing consultant. After all, they’re not sure how much it’ll cost, how long it’ll take and if they’ll get any … [Read more...]
Outsourcing: How to Work Less and Do More for Your Small Business
Don’t know about you, but we’re pretty far from having a 4-hour workweek running our small business. Tim Ferriss promoted this idea in his bestselling book of the same name. His motto: do the few things that will lead to the biggest progress. … [Read more...]
3 Business Tasks You’ll Wish You Delegated Years Ago
Freedom. That’s the lure that draws most of us into starting a business – the freedom to be your own boss. While we do have that freedom, there’s also the reality of long hours and even longer To Do lists. That doesn’t mean we can’t have the life we … [Read more...]
Are You Ready to Hire an Online Business Manager? (Quiz)
Remember how excited you were when you first started your business? That feeling may have dimmed a bit under the #entrepreneurlife workload. But you can regain that excitement. There’s just a little mind shift to go through first: switching from … [Read more...]
When is it Time to Hire an OBM?
You’ve been working hard at running your small business and feel ready to take it to the next level. But you have enough on your plate as it is. So how do you scale up without getting overwhelmed? You bring in help—the kind of help that will … [Read more...]
The Top 3 SOPs to Get Your Business to the Next Level
Pop quiz time: What’s one of the most important skills you need to grow a small business successfully? Knowing how to lead a team, including how to delegate. This can take some time to learn. Thankfully, there’s a tool that can take some of the … [Read more...]
Got Small Biz Growth Challenges? Use Them to Grow Your Business
Admit it: You have too much on your plate as a small business owner. And you’re not alone. Overtime is the norm in your position, with more than 70% of business owners working more than 40 hours a week, according to a Fundera survey. So how do you … [Read more...]