A common question I hear from potential clients is “what is the difference between a profile and a fan page on Facebook? The way I look at it is easy: a profile is for personal use and a fan page is for business.
Does that mean that a profile cannot be used for business purposes? No. Some business owners choose to use their profile as a means of establishing relationships with their “followers”. It’s easier to create a “community” of followers through a profile than it is with a business page. I prefer to use my profile for mostly personal use – to keep up with my friends and family and to post photos. I do post business activities to my timeline such as upcoming events or recent blog posts, but I prefer to keep my business relationships separate.
To me, a professional page is more about reinforcing my business brand and promoting my business. I can also get insights into the number of people my posts are reaching and how many people are talking about a post. I also have the ability to schedule posts ahead of time, which is invaluable for client postings.
As a business owner, either option will work, but it’s important to establish your goal for using Facebook for business before you even setup an account.
If you have any questions about how I may be able to help you manage your social media accounts including Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or LinkedIn, please contact me at Kelly@SimplificationServices.com or 512.779.5626.
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