Marketing isn’t complicated. It may seem so, because of all the digital tools and platforms involved, but at the end of the day, we’re still using some of the same strategies to get leads and drive sales. Why does it seem so difficult? Time … [Read more...]
Should You Market Your Small Business to Gen Z?
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably wondered about Generation Z’s potential for your business— and with good reason. This generation is growing in number and buying power. But are Gen Zers a good market for you? And should you spend time … [Read more...]
The Top Dos and Don’ts of Small Biz Contests & Sweepstakes
We see a surge of contests and sweepstakes at certain times of year as small businesses get creative with their promotions for different holidays or seasons. Are contests or sweepstakes a good idea? Yes, they can be great! Are they easy and … [Read more...]
8 Ways to Shoot Better Photos and Boost Your Marketing
How do you make your brand or company stand out on social media? One way is to use great photos or videos. Take a cue from businesses that are successfully using good images to gain followers and visibility. It’s something you can do too. Our … [Read more...]
Video Marketing 101 for Small Biz & Contractors
Video content is great for engaging with fans and getting more eyes on your business. The problem is knowing what kinds of videos to create. Should you show work behind-the-scenes? Talk about your product or service? Do something more … [Read more...]
Don’t Get Social Media? Steal Our Top Post Ideas for Contractors
Know why people like social media so much? Because it gives them a sense of belonging and connectedness. This is from a study by the University of Queensland’s School of Psychology. Yet many contractors and small business owners avoid social … [Read more...]
16 Tech Tools That Will Save You Time as a Small Business Owner
Hey there, small business owner. Feel like you’re always in survival mode and juggling it all? Want some tools to cut your time and stress? Fortunately, there are a TON of digital tools that were built to help. There are people who can help … [Read more...]
6 Items to Consider When Creating a Social Media Strategy
You’ve probably heard social media success stories from other small business owners like yourself and you’re wondering how in the world they make social media marketing work for them. It’s really just a matter of coming up with a plan and sticking to … [Read more...]
Why We Love Hashtags (And You Should, Too!)
I often get questions about hashtags. We see them all of the time on social media, but what are they, really, and why do we want to use them? Think of using hashtags as a search function. It’s really not a difficult concept, yet a lot of people … [Read more...]
7 Tips for Researching a Hashtag
Before you start using a particular hashtag, you want to research the hashtag to ensure that its use will support your brand and your business. Before I dive into the steps involved in researching a hashtag, here’s a bit of background … [Read more...]
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