Are you still emailing like you did in 2015? Or even 2022? If so, we’re sorry to inform you that your emails are living their lives in spam city – a land where much time and money goes to waste. There are new email rules and updates that have … [Read more...]
Streamline Your 2025 Marketing with Expert Help
Marketing isn’t complicated. It may seem so, because of all the digital tools and platforms involved, but at the end of the day, we’re still using some of the same strategies to get leads and drive sales. Why does it seem so difficult? Time … [Read more...]
Should You Market Your Small Business to Gen Z?
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably wondered about Generation Z’s potential for your business— and with good reason. This generation is growing in number and buying power. But are Gen Zers a good market for you? And should you spend time … [Read more...]
Better Marketing with Customer Avatars—The What, Why & How
Marketing is like fishing. To catch a certain type of fish, you need to use the right bait and go to an area they’re known to frequent. If you use a bigger tool like a net, you might rake in more fish, but there’s no telling what kind you’ll … [Read more...]
5 Small Biz Marketing Ideas for a Slowing Economy
Tightening belts and slashing budgets. It’s what usually happens when there’s talk about the “R” word—recession. But slashing your marketing budget is not the best move. We've seen this cycle happen before and know the effects. The Harvard … [Read more...]
Are You Sending Lead-Nurturing Emails for Your Small Business?
Technology is a wonderful thing. We may have a frustrating relationship with it, but it’s an entrepreneur’s best friend. Because tech tools can save us time and money by handling daily tasks, and many marketing tasks. Like staying in touch with … [Read more...]
10 Email Marketing Mistakes Every Small Business Should Avoid
The war going on in email inboxes can seem challenging. Subject line too vague or confusing? DELETED. Use the wrong words in your email and look like spam? SENT TO THE SPAM FOLDER. Too long since your last email and they forgot who you are? … [Read more...]
Big Biz Tools for Small Biz Success: Lifecycle Marketing for Small Business
We like to save time in our business. How about you? What about saving time while also doing great marketing? And is this possible? Yes, it is, with a powerful marketing strategy you’ve probably never heard of: Lifecycle Marketing for small … [Read more...]
The Top Dos and Don’ts of Small Biz Contests & Sweepstakes
We see a surge of contests and sweepstakes at certain times of year as small businesses get creative with their promotions for different holidays or seasons. Are contests or sweepstakes a good idea? Yes, they can be great! Are they easy and … [Read more...]
Have You Checked Your Marketing Results?
As we set our business goals each year, it’s a good time to see just how well our marketing worked last year. Have you checked your results recently? In small business marketing, it’s crucial to see whether or not you’ve reached your goals. You … [Read more...]