Are you still emailing like you did in 2015? Or even 2022? If so, we’re sorry to inform you that your emails are living their lives in spam city – a land where much time and money goes to waste. There are new email rules and updates that have … [Read more...]
5 Small Biz Marketing Ideas for a Slowing Economy
Tightening belts and slashing budgets. It’s what usually happens when there’s talk about the “R” word—recession. But slashing your marketing budget is not the best move. We've seen this cycle happen before and know the effects. The Harvard … [Read more...]
Top 4 Review Sites for Our Contractor & Home-Service Biz Clients
Trust. You might think it’s a mushy or over-hyped concept, but it’s vital to the success of your business. It’s also not easily won. In a 2021 survey of consumers, only 34% said they trust the brands they use. Yet more than 80% of them said trust … [Read more...]
Have You Checked Your Marketing Results?
As we set our business goals each year, it’s a good time to see just how well our marketing worked last year. Have you checked your results recently? In small business marketing, it’s crucial to see whether or not you’ve reached your goals. You … [Read more...]
8 Ways to Shoot Better Photos and Boost Your Marketing
How do you make your brand or company stand out on social media? One way is to use great photos or videos. Take a cue from businesses that are successfully using good images to gain followers and visibility. It’s something you can do too. Our … [Read more...]
Video Marketing 101 for Small Biz & Contractors
Video content is great for engaging with fans and getting more eyes on your business. The problem is knowing what kinds of videos to create. Should you show work behind-the-scenes? Talk about your product or service? Do something more … [Read more...]
Don’t Get Social Media? Steal Our Top Post Ideas for Contractors
Know why people like social media so much? Because it gives them a sense of belonging and connectedness. This is from a study by the University of Queensland’s School of Psychology. Yet many contractors and small business owners avoid social … [Read more...]
Why Your Small Business Website Isn’t Bringing in Leads
You’ve spent hundreds or even thousands on your business website and you’re proud of it. Problem is… it’s not bringing in leads. What happened? Like many small business owners, you have a website that includes the right information: what you … [Read more...]
Save Time & Money with These Affordable Marketing Tools for Small Businesses
What are the biggest obstacles for small business owners doing online marketing? Knowing what to do first and how to do it. We’ve got you covered on what to do first. Check out our action plan on which marketing tactics to use first. As for how, … [Read more...]
Which Marketing Tactics Should You Start with First? An Action Plan
Feel like there’s not enough time, money or clarity to get results with marketing? You can continue trying different things—some time on social media here, a few blog posts or emails there—or you can get an action plan together to reach your … [Read more...]