Marketing isn’t complicated. It may seem so, because of all the digital tools and platforms involved, but at the end of the day, we’re still using some of the same strategies to get leads and drive sales. Why does it seem so difficult? Time … [Read more...]
Top 4 Review Sites for Our Contractor & Home-Service Biz Clients
Trust. You might think it’s a mushy or over-hyped concept, but it’s vital to the success of your business. It’s also not easily won. In a 2021 survey of consumers, only 34% said they trust the brands they use. Yet more than 80% of them said trust … [Read more...]
3 Key Steps to Getting Leads as a Remodeling Contractor
What does it take to get leads online? Wish we could say it’s easy, but that wouldn’t be true. It isn’t hard though, if you focus on 3 key elements. To get leads online, make sure your remodeling service website: Can be found in an online … [Read more...]
A Case Study on Why You Should Post on Google My Business
You might have a Google Maps listing but do you also have a Google My Business Profile? What is the difference between Google Maps and Google My Business? Google Maps shows your business' location and provides directions on how to get there. Google … [Read more...]
How Online Reviews Boost Sales and SEO for Local Businesses
When it comes to online reviews, we have good news and bad news. The bad news is it doesn’t matter how fantastic your service is, word-of-mouth will only take you so far. Without online reviews, your local business is leaving money on the table in … [Read more...]
3 Reasons Why Small Businesses Need Local SEO More than Ever
You may remember a time when an ad in the Yellow Pages was THE best way to get local customers for a small business. It may have been expensive, but it worked. Then came the internet. Now you’re trying to compete for the attention of people who … [Read more...]
Internet Marketing: How to Drive Traffic to Your Website
My definition of internet marketing refers to the delivery of promotional material via the internet to increase direct sales of goods and services both on and offline. Internet marketing includes email marketing, search engine marketing, social media … [Read more...]
How Does Simplification Services Claim and Optimize my Business Listing?
Have you claimed and optimized your business listings on the top three search engines: Google, Bing and Yahoo? If not, I may be able to help. The first step is to contact Kelly Butcher at 512-779-5626. I will conduct an “audit” of your current … [Read more...]
Social Media for Business Not Going Away!
Maybe you've heard rumors that the number of Facebook users is declining and you're wondering if it's worth the trouble to start and/or maintain your Business Page. I just read this article today (yes, I realize it was posted on January … [Read more...]
3 Benefits of Local SEO
If you are a small business owner and your niche market is your local surrounding area, Local Search Engine Optimization or Local SEO may benefit your business. If your business has been "locally" optimized, when consumers search for a particular … [Read more...]